Municipal Mapping

Municipal Mapping

Municipal Mapping

  City Flipbook: (may require Flash player to view)
1. Cadastral Book Map

Location Maps:

1. Where in the World is Port Alberni?  (Google Map)
2. Vancouver Island
3. Street Map and Index
4. Aerial Map (One page)
  Service Maps: 
1. Garbage Routes
2. Greenwood Cemetery (Location or Layout(Google Map
3. Snow Plow Routes
4. Sports and Recreation Facilities
5. Parks and Playgrounds - Amenities
6. Parks, Open Space, Civic Property
7. Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
8. Utilities and Integrated Survey Monuments Map
9. Monument coordinates may be obtained by visiting the GeoBC Management of Survey Control Operations and Tasks (MASCOT) website.  Click on the 'Query by Municipal Code' link and then follow the steps required to obtain the info on the monument(s) you request.
10. Regional Trail Information and Maps
11. Sani-Dump Station Locations
12. Tsunami Evacuation Route Map
  Land Use Maps:
1. Official Community Plan (Schedule A Future Land Use Map)
2. Official Community Plan (Schedule B Development Permit Areas Map)
3. Zoning Bylaw (Schedule A Zoning Map)
4. Floodplain (Area covered in Floodplain Bylaw)
  Engineering Drawing Template Standard:

To download the City of Port Alberni's AutoCAD Civil 3D Drawing Template  Click Here   

  • This is a *.7z file with the following files contained within it. 
  1. City of PA C3D R2.2 Service Card.dwt and
  2. City of PA C3D R2.3 (Production).dwt.
  3. acad.ctb
  4. DWF Virtual Pens.ctb
  5. MMCD Black and Grey.ctb
  6. MMCD.lin
  7. mmcd.shx
  • You will need software such as 7-Zip to uncompress this file.
For more information, please contact
Development Services
Community Planning

Upper - 4835 Argyle Street
Port Alberni BC V9Y 1V9
