Outdoor Burning
Outdoor Burning
Outdoor Burning Regulations 
The following is a summary of Bylaw #4906, Section 15 as it pertains to outdoor burning.
No outdoor burning is permitted, with the exception of campfires. A campfire is permitted throughout the year between dawn and 22:00 hours local time with the following conditions:.
Campfire means a small contained outdoor fire, not exceeding 0.5 meters (1.5 feet) in height and 0.5 meters (1.5 feet) in width, and used for cooking, ceremonial purposes, or social enjoyment.
A competent adult must supervise the fire at all times
Must have a minimum of 8 litres of water or functioning garden hose capable of reaching and extinguishing the fire.
The fire must be at least 3 meters (10 feet) from any grass, shrubbery, wooden fence or any other combustible material. Burning must take place at least 4 meters (13 feet) from any building.
Burning must take place during daylight hours only.
Burning of any manufactured material, including dimensional lumber or any compostable organic material such as but not limited to grass cuttings, leaves or vegetable matter is prohibited. Permissible Campfire fuels include dry firewood, branches and stems.
- You are liable for damage caused by a fire that has escaped from its point of origin and liable for the costs of the Fire Department extinguishing the fire.
The use of incinerators or barrels is prohibited
Burning of land clearing debris, construction debris and/or demolition debris is prohibited within the City of Port Alberni.
- No visible smoke may leave the property of origin.
Smoke from your fire can inadvertently affect others. Please share a good neighbour approach while burning. The best practice is to explore other options such as recycling, shredding or composting.
If you have any questions regarding the above regulations, call the Port Alberni Fire Department at 250.724.1351.
The Fire Department has the right to enter any premises to examine and extinguish a fire that is in violation of Bylaw #4906. Any person found in violation of this bylaw may be liable to a fine for each offence. The Fire Chief may suspend any or all outdoor burning for reasons of public nuisance or public safety and in such event; no person shall carry on open burning within the City of Port Alberni.