e-Town Hall Budget Meeting - January 29th - 6:00 pm

e-Town Hall Budget Meeting - January 29th - 6:00 pm

Please join us Monday, January 29, 2018, at 6 p.m. to provide your input on the draft 2018 - 2022 Five Year Financial Plan. Help shape how your tax dollars are spent on the services you value, such as streets, parks, community centres, police and fire protection.

While the event takes place in Council Chambers at City Hall (4850 Argyle Street), the e-format means that comments and questions will be received from those in attendance at the meeting, as well as those viewing from the comfort of their home.

The meeting will focus on the Plan and provide community members an opportunity to voice their opinions, suggest new ideas, and ask questions of Council. The feedback provided at the meeting will help inform the City’s budget direction and spending towards the services that residents and businesses want and need.

Residents can participate in the following ways:

In person – All are welcome to attend the meeting in Council Chambers at City Hall. Participants attending the meeting, who wish to ask questions or provide comments, will be invited to comment via the microphone for broadcasting purposes.

Online – The meeting will be broadcast live at www.portalberni.ca/streaming-video. Online participants can submit questions through one of the following channels:

Email – Questions can be emailed to citypa@portalberni.ca

Facebook – Facebook users are encouraged to like our page – City of Port Alberni Local Government and post their questions to the Budget 2018 events page.

Twitter – Twitter users can participate by tweeting questions or comments to @cityportalberni or by using the hashtag #BudgetPA

Questions can be submitted online prior to and / or during the meeting.  Due to time limitations, if there are several similar questions, only one may be put to Council. Every effort will be made to address as many questions as possible.

​​​​​​​To learn more about the draft 2018 - 2022 Five Year Financial Plan go to www.portalberni.ca/budget.