City Planner Promoted to Director of Development Services
City Planner Promoted to Director of Development Services
At the February 14, 2017 regular meeting, Mayor Ruttan announced that City Planner Scott Smith had been promoted to the newly developed position of Director of Development Services, effective February 1, 2017.
In mid-March the City’s new Engineer, Kamruz Zaman will begin work for the City. Council has taken the opportunity that this personnel change has offered to make an adjustment to the City's management structure. In his new role, Mr. Smith will lead both the Planning and Engineering departments, retaining many of the responsibilities of the City Planner position with the added responsibilities of leading the City's technical engineering services.
With Mr. Zaman reporting to the Director of Development Services, this change will reduce the number of direct reports to the CAO, provide organizational efficiencies, consistent and accessible support to the City Engineer, and result in a streamlined response to inquiries from members of the public.
Council expressed their thanks to Mr. Smith for the great work that he has done for the City, and offered congratulations on this promotion.