News Release - City Appoints Multiplex and Sports Facilities Supervisor
News Release - City Appoints Multiplex and Sports Facilities Supervisor
Mayor Mike Ruttan announced today that City Council has appointed a new Multiplex and Sports Facilities Supervisor, Laurie L’Heureux.
The appointment is a lateral transfer from L’Heureux’s current position as the Echo Aquatic and Facility Supervisor, and will result in the reduction of a management position as the vacated position will not be filled.
“With her broad spectrum of experience, Laurie possesses a unique perspective and skillset that will continue to serve our department and the community well,” said Theresa Kingston, Director of Community Services. “Through her management of the Aquatic Centre, Laurie has demonstrated her capability to drive significant success in service enhancements and increased efficiency."
The duties of the Echo Aquatic and Facility Supervisor have been reassigned to the Director of Community Services and other positions within the organization. L’Heureux will continue to report directly to the Director of Community Services with no change in salary or benefits for either position.
“This decision of Council is aligned with our aim to find opportunities where we can realize efficiencies while maintaining service levels,” said Mayor Mike Ruttan. “Sports facilities like the Alberni Valley Multiplex are a hub of community life and we’re very pleased to have appointed someone of Laurie’s experience to lead this critical function.”
For more information:
Mayor Mike Ruttan
City of Port Alberni
Theresa Kingston, Director of Community Services
City of Port Alberni